Tag Archives: Dr. Isaac Ray

A Room of One’s Own

Blockley Alsmhouse

Blockley Alsmhouse

Few patients in mental institutions were so out of touch with reality that their surroundings made no difference to them. One of the pillars of early psychiatric theory was that a patient’s environment did, indeed, made a great deal of difference. This is a particular reason alienists recommended bringing patients out of their old home environments and into the insane asylum’s new one. The implication, of course, was that the asylum’s was better. Most planners did strive to provide stately, serene buildings within a pastoral country setting. The reality did not always match their hopes.

The October, 1876 issue of the American Journal of Insanity included an article by Dr. John Bucknill, “Notes on Asylums for the Insane in America.” In it, Dr. Bucknill pointed out some glaring deficiencies within Philadelphia and New York asylums.

Dr. John Bucknill

Dr. John Bucknill

In Philadelphia, a collection of buildings called the Blockley Almshouses, included an insane asylum. The place was constructed to hold 500 patients, and instead held 1,130. Beds were strewn on any available floor space at night to accommodate the extra people, and consequently the air become humid and smelly. Dr. Bucknill noted that there was nowhere for patients to exercise.

The female ward was particularly shameful. In a space designed to accommodate 19 “excited patients” in single rooms, instead held 65 women. The rooms were only six feet by 10 feet to begin with, which was justified by their use to for manic or disturbed patients. Unfortunately, Dr. Bucknill wrote, “. . . these lodging rooms are occupied at night generally by two, and frequently by three persons, and all of them, as I was informed, were regularly put into strait-jackets to prevent mischief during the night.”

Woman Wearing a Strait Jacket in Bed, 1889

Woman Wearing a Strait Jacket in Bed, 1889

How anyone–staff, trustees, inspectors–could have seen this situation and expected patients to recover their sanity says a great deal about the people running it. Dr. Isaac Ray, in an 1873 paper read before the Social Science Association of Philadelphia, said of the conditions: “If homicide is not committed every night of the year, it is certainly not for lack of fitting occasion and opportunity.”

Schools for Insanity

Alienist Dr. Isaac Ray

Alienist Dr. Isaac Ray

People today wonder how physicians and other educated people could have believed excessive smoking, masturbation, or reading novels might lead to insanity. Though anything in excess is probably not as healthy for a person as that same thing in moderation, how could something like “excessive study” cause insanity? An extremely prominent alienist, Dr. Isaac Ray, explained:

“Though hard study at school is rarely the immediate cause of insanity, it is the most frequent of its ulterior causes, except hereditary tendencies.” Ray further declared that the chances of recovery [from insanity] were far fewer in the “studious, intellectual child” than in the opposite type. The reason for this, Ray explained, was that “though the immediate mischief may have seemed slight, but the brain is left in a condition of peculiar impressibility, which renders it morbidly sensitive to every adverse influence.”

irls From Glen Eden Boarding School for Girls, circa 1911

Students From Glen Eden Boarding School for Girls, circa 1911

Ray’s remarks appeared in a September, 1859 issue of the The Atlantic Monthly, within an article strongly admonishing the then-present system of excessive schoolwork for children. A typical schedule in a well-run girls’ boarding school could be something like this: Rise at 5:00 a.m., study for two hours, eat breakfast, spend six more hours in the schoolroom, eat lunch, then spend two hours sewing, writing letters, completing other small tasks, and perhaps walking if weather permitted. Afterward there would be another hour of study, supper, and then two more hours of study–eleven in all. The author later mentioned popular Sunday School contests throughout the country, in which winners memorized up to 5,000 Bible verses.

An 1854 Math Book by Joseph Ray

An 1854 Math Book by Joseph Ray

It’s no wonder that many children fell into ill health, whether or not the excessive study actually led to insanity. However, with this kind of tasking in mind, it’s a bit easier to believe the (unnamed) author’s statement that he had recently heard of “a child’s dying insane, from sheer overwork, and raving of algebra.”